This musical journey explores issues of language shift and the role we play in it with our everyday choices. The ironic story of Mipa portrays an individual who is fascinated by a new language and is highly motivated to learn it, but is faced with a series of challenges that would ultimately impact the outcome. Through this crossover collaboration, this group of musicians and artists bring you a compelling, thought-provoking performance.
Het verhaal van Mipa neemt je mee op een muzikale reis door het thema taalverloedering en welke rol wij daarin spelen als individuen. Deze vertaalslag wordt gemaakt door vier getalenteerde muzikanten en één multi-media artiest.
Dean Montanaro – composition/electric bass
Nele Ast – concept/artwork/story
Ella Zirina – guitar
Maximillian Shaikh-Yousef – alto saxophone
Auke de Vries – drums
This event is hosted by Batavier Miran Noh